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How did I get here

I spent the better part of my adult life working hard. And I mean hard. For the organizations I worked for--human rights, social justice, climate change, Parliament Hill--I took their mandates and goals to heart. Sometimes it felt like it was all resting on my shoulders. Stress was normalized. Much suffered in the process: my health, my peace of mind, my friendships, and even my family. Words like sustainability and social justice became personal. That's when I knew I had to make a change.

In 2019, after leaving my last full-time job, I took a break. Although I had worked for a food security organization for seven years, I had no idea how to grow food. I learned. Although I loved to cross country ski, I rarely had time. I became a cross country ski patroller. My weekend cabin became more and more my permanent home. Most importantly, I slowed down. I learned to meditate. I reduced my expenses and my intake of coping substances. I saw more of my friends and family.

Training as a coach was an important part of this journey. Coaching is a way for me to give back what I have learned. I hope that my clients can learn earlier what I learned in my sixties. I specialize in non-profit leadership because I cherish the same goals, and I am still very much part of the movement. I have learned above all that the journey is the destination.


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